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Enrolment Process

The collection of cord blood is a very simple process that poses no risk to you or your baby.

Enrolment Process for Cord Blood Banking

Safe, Quick and Painless Collection

The collection of cord blood is a very simple process that poses no risk to you or your baby. It is important to make your decision about banking prior to your delivery date so that you and your Caregivers can be properly prepared for the collection procedure. You only have one chance to collect your child's cord blood at birth and therefore is an important decision to make.

5 easy steps to sign up for cord blood banking with Cordlife

Step 1
Enrolling with Cordlife

Contact us at our 24-Hour Hotline (Hong Kong) 852-3980 2888 or (Macau) 853-6881 0781 to make an appointment with our Consultant. Alternatively, you may wish to submit your details to us so that we may assign a Consultant to you.

* If you are due within the next 4 - 6 weeks, we strongly recommend you to contact us immediately for enrolment because this will ensure all necessary steps are completed before your baby's arrival.

Step 2

Once the enrolment procedure is completed, we will provide you with a personalised Cordlife Cord Blood Collection Kit. This kit will contain all the necessaries required for the collection of your baby's cord blood.

Step 3

Inform your O&G doctor that you have enrolled with Cordlife for the collection of your baby's cord blood.

Step 4
Bring your Collection Kit

Bring your personalised collection kit to the hospital on the day of your delivery. Pass the collection kit to the nurse/caregiver in the hospital room after admission. The caregiver will then take a sample of maternal blood. After both mother and baby are safely delivered, the doctor/ caregiver will collect the cord blood and place it back into the kit for our collection.

Step 5
Call Cordlife

After your baby is born, please contact us at (Hong Kong) 852-3980 29999 or (Macau) 853-6881 0781 and provide us with your full name, ID no., contact no., and hospital of delivery. The kit will be collected by our couriers and you will be notified once your baby's cord blood reaches our laboratory.


23 Years of Experience

Cordlife is the first cord blood bank in Singapore, and a leading industry player in Asia.

Proven Global Expertise
Proven Global Expertise

Cordlife has released more than 76 cord blood units to 18 healthcare institutions in 9 countries.

Accredited Facility

Cordlife Hong Kong has AABB accreditation, giving you peace of mind.

Listed in Singapore Exchange
Listed on Singapore Exchange

We’ve strengthened our financial position  to ensure that we’ll be here with you for a long time.

Cordlife Facilities in Asia
Seven Facilities in Asia

We own a network of stem cell cryopreservation facilities across Asia, and our facilities serve as back-up for one another in the event of an emergency.

Technology Pioneer
Technology Pioneer

We were recognised by the World Economic Forum for our contributions to the field of cellular therapy

Getting Started

Enrol Now

The collection of cord blood is a simple procedure that poses no risk to you or your baby. It is important that you make your banking decision before your due date so that you and your caregivers can be ready for the collection. You only have one chance to collect your baby's cord blood at birth, so this is a critical decision. 

Price Plans

Contact us to know more about the latest price and information
Hong Kong: (852) 3980 2888
Macau: (853) 6881 0781
WhatsApp:  (852) 9660 1317

Download Free Information Kit

Download FREE information kit to know more about the benefits of cord blood banking and Cordlife.

Trusted by more than 600,000 parents in Asia.

Hong Kong