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Cord Blood Trials

Find out the latest updates on ongoing cord blood trials


23 Years of Experience

Cordlife is the first cord blood bank in Singapore, and a leading industry player in Asia.

Proven Global Expertise
Proven Global Expertise

Cordlife has released more than 76 cord blood units to 18 healthcare institutions in 9 countries.

Accredited Facility

Cordlife Hong Kong has AABB accreditation, giving you peace of mind.

Listed in Singapore Exchange
Listed on Singapore Exchange

We’ve strengthened our financial position  to ensure that we’ll be here with you for a long time.

Cordlife Facilities in Asia
Seven Facilities in Asia

We own a network of stem cell cryopreservation facilities across Asia, and our facilities serve as back-up for one another in the event of an emergency.

Technology Pioneer
Technology Pioneer

We were recognised by the World Economic Forum for our contributions to the field of cellular therapy

Why do parents save their baby's cord blood and cord lining?

Rich stem cell sources

Umbilical cord blood and cord lining contain more primitive stem cells than any other source, making it more powerful.

Proven to be transplantable

Cord blood can be used to treat more than 113 diseases, and 60,000 cord blood transplants have been performed worldwide.

Untapped clinical potential

Researchers around the world are learning how to use stem cells to treat more diseases and repair damaged cells.

Therapy alternative for families

The stem cells you stored are a perfect match for your baby and can also be used to treat other members of your family.

 Lifetime medical resources

If properly stored, stem cells can be kept indefinitely and can be retrieved whenever you need them.